by Wolfram Zeuner on behalf of the CMS Collaboration
The first year of the LS1 is almost over and CMS has completed approximately half of its upgrade program preparing to cope with the challenges that lie ahead of us.
by Joachim Baechler on behalf of the TOTEM Collaboration
TOTEM profits from the LS1 to start strengthening its very-forward Roman Pot (RP) detector system, creating a leading-proton spectrometer with unprecedented performance and the flexibility to operate in a vast range of different beam conditions.
by Gabriele Cosmo, Vladimir Ivantchenko & Alberto Ribon
The new 2013 release of Geant4 introduces many new features in different areas, including geometry modelling as well as electromagnetic and hadronic physics.
by Dieter Hoffmann (TU-Darmstadt) & Konstantin Zioutas (University of Patras)
CAST is searching for these particles with a telescope designed to detect axions from the Sun. It uses an unexpected hybrid of equipment from particle physics and astronomy.
Rafael Ballabriga Sune has been awarded with the 2013 Radiation Instrumentation Early Career Award by the IEEE Nuclear and Plasma Sciences Society for the implementation of a new approach to spectroscopic X-ray imaging.