CERN Accelerating science

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CERN Accelerating science

A special Xenon run for NA61/SHINE

by Panos Charitos

Earlier in October, the Large Hadron Collider had a special run of colliding xenon nuclei; a new flavour compared to the standard proton and lead collisions foreseen in the LHC experimental programme.

The High Luminosity LHC programme not only pushes the frontiers of accelerator and detector technology, but it also brings enormous challenges to the software and computing that is used to turn high luminosity data into physics. 

CERN History Days in February is an initiative to relaunch the CERN history project that resulted in three volumes of CERN history covering the period from the 1940s to 1970s. 

Dear Colleagues, dear Members of the EP Department and CERN Users,

Welcome to this year’s last EP newsletter. 2017 was a fantastic year for CERN...

A successful heavy-ion campaign for ALICE

by Virginia Greco and Grazia Luparello (ALICE Collaboration)

The last two weeks of data taking have been particularly important for ALICE

Searching for leptoquarks at the LHC

by Panos Charitos

A recent “Cross Collider” meeting at CERN showed that the physics of leptoquarks remains a rapidly evolving field on both experimental and theoretical fronts.

First positrons for GBAR

by Patrice Perez (IRFU, CEA, Université Paris-Saclay)

GBAR antimatter experiment sees first beam of positrons from a small electron linear accelerator. 

RADECS 2017 meeting in Geneva

by Francis Anghinolfi and Federico Faccio (EP-ESE)

RADECS (RADiation  Effects on Components and Systems) the yearly European conference in the field of radiation effects in electronics devices and systems was held in Geneva. 

LHCb collaboration meets to discuss recent results and future prospects

by Monica Pepe-Altarelli (LHCb collaboration)

A record number of over three hundred physicists from the LHCb collaboration got together for the 7th edition of the workshop on the “Implications of LHCb measurements and future prospects”. 

Another milestone for the BASE collaboration

by by Christian Smorra on behalf of the BASE collaboration

BASE collaboration reports on the first high-precision measurement of the antiproton magnetic moment with parts per billion uncertainty

A portable gas system for particle detectors.

by Panos Charitos

DT group has developed a new flexible and portable gas recirculation unit to meet the challenges of the LHC detector upgrade project.

Designing Utopia – An Ultralow Picoammeter

by Evgenia Voulgari (CERN)

A new chip to measure very low currents in the femtoampere range.