The Infinity Puzzle - The story of the Higgs Boson:From QED to the LHC via Higgs and the Gang of Six
Frank Close delivered a talk about his book The Infinity Puzzle ( that covers the history of 50 years of particle physics, the emergence of the Standard Model realizing the unification of the weak and electromagnetic interactions, the invention of the mass generation via the gauge symmetry mechanism which led to the discovery of W and Z bosons at CERN, the hints on the top quark existence from LEP, eventually discovered at Fermilab, which in turn hinted at where to find the Higgs Boson.
Following the discovery in 2012, a new paperback edition of Infinity Puzzle is now out, including an update in light of those events.
Read an interview with Frank Close in this issue: "Collecting the pieces of the Infinity Puzzle"