CERN Accelerating science

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CERN Accelerating science

2014 CERN TH Winter School

CERN’s Winter School on Supergravity, Strings, and Gauge Theory is the analytic continuation of the yearly training school of the former EC-RTN string network "Constituents, Fundamental Forces and Symmetries of the Universe". The 2014 edition of the school took place from Monday February 3 to Friday February 7, at CERN.

The school primarily aims for training of doctoral students and young postdoctoral researchers in recent developments in theoretical high-energy physics and string theory. The programme of the school consisted of five series of pedagogical lectures, complemented by discussion sessions in the afternoons.

Previous schools in this series were organized in 2005 at SISSA in Trieste, and in 2006, 2007, 2008, 20092010, 20112012 and 2013 at CERN, Geneva.

The 2014 edition of the school is supported and organized by the CERN Theory Division, and by the Arnold Sommerfeld Center at Ludwig-Maximilians University of Munich.

Among this year’s speakers were
Benjamin Basso (ENS Paris) who delivered a lecture on The S-matrix of N=4 SYM and  Gerald Dunne (U. Connecticut) who discussed about “Resurgence and non-perturbative physics”. 
Guido Festuccia (NBI Copenhagen) delivered a lecture on:  “Supersymmetry on curved manifolds” while
Julien Lesgourgues in his talk: “CERN: Cosmology in the Planck Era
Mark” gave an overview on the recent developments following the publication of the Planck data earlier last year.

Van Raamsdonk from the UBC in Vancouver touched a very modern subject “Entanglement and holography”. Finally,
Marco Battaglia (U. Santa Cruz and CERN) presented the current status and future expectations from the LHC.

This year the school attracted over 120 students from all continents.

The scientific committee of the school is: N. Beisert, M. Blau, M. Gaberdiel, N. Lambert, D. Luest, M. Marino, A. Sevrin, J. Simon, K. Stelle, S. Theisen, A. Van Proeyen, J. Walcher

Local organizers:  J. Drummond, B. Pioline