Editorial - February 2014
Dear Colleagues,
Welcome to the first PH Newsletter for 2014. This is going to be an exciting year, with LS1 past its halfway point, and the injector chain starting up for physics. Preparations for Run 2 of the LHC will be in full swing, along with the planning for the upgrades, and first steps being taken towards the longer-term future of CERN.
I am delighted to be leading the new management team for the Department, and we are introduced here with short profiles. You can also read more stories and recent highlights from various groups. Don't forget to check out our article on the AEgIS experiment and the interesting interview with Rolf Landua, Head of the EDU group, about the recent move of the group to CERN's new Stakeholder Relations Office. Read also about the CLIC workshop and the challenges lying ahead for future detector R&D, the RD53 collaboration and the PCB workshop that since January has become a facility of our department.
I wish you all a nice and satisfactory 2014.
Best regards,