2015 TH Winter School
The 2015 CERN Winter School on Supergravity, Strings, and Gauge Theory took place, from Monday, February 2 to Friday, February 6, at CERN. It was organized by J. Drummond, K. Papadodimas, B. Pioline of the CERN Theory Division and sponsored by the CERN Theory Division, and the Arnold Sommerfeld Center at Ludwig-Maximilians University of Munich.
The Winter School, which continues in the footsteps of "Constituents, Fundamental Forces and Symmetries of the Universe", the annual school of the former EC-RTN string network, is renowned for its high quality and the international profile of the speakers and researchers it attracts every year.
This year's School brought together more than 100 participants from all around the world. Doctoral students and post doctoral researchers had the chance to learn about the latest developments in the fields of string theory and high energy physics as well as share their ideas and progress.
The organizers had prepared an interesting programme that included six series of pedagogical lectures as well as discussion sessions. Daniel Baumann (DAMTP, Cambridge) discussed 'Inflation and string theory', Francesco Benini (Amstersdam U) gave an overview of the 'Exact results in SUSY gauge theories', Claude Duhr (IPPP Durham and CERN) delivered a lecture on 'New methods for scattering amplitudes', Suvrat Raju (ICTS Bangalore) lectured on 'The information paradox in AdS/CFT', Ashoke Sen (HRI Allahabad) reviewed 'Aspects of superstring perturbation theory', and Marco Battaglia (U. Santa Cruz and CERN) gave a presentation on 'Status and expectations from LHC Run 2'.
The School also offered opportunities for socialising, as on Wednesday, February 4, the participants were invited to an excursion to La Vattay, a skiing and snowshoeing resort in the French Jura.
The next activity of the COST network is the workshop on 'The String Theory Universe' that will take place in Leuven, from 7 to 11 September 2015.
Read more about the TH Winder School here: https://indico.cern.ch/event/307465/