Editorial - June 2013
All four LHC experiments are consolidating their infrastructure: electrical and cooling systems, magnets, shielding, DAQ systems and networks are being maintained and often improved.
In ATLAS, the pixel detector has been removed and will be re-inserted next year including a new 4th layer (IBL) and better service panels. Muon chambers will be added, and beam pipes exchanged. This has required the opening of the detector and, for the first time, lifting a muon wheel to the surface. ALICE is completing the TRD, DCAL and PHOS detectors. CMS will insert the 4th endcap yokes (YE4) and the associated muon detectors, change the HF and HO photodetectors and install a smaller beam pipe to be ready for the installation of a future, 4-layers pixel detector. Finally LHCb is exchanging several sections of the beam pipe and replacing the mechanical protection between the magnet coils and their support structure, which requires displacing both 25 ton coils.
A similar activity can be seen in all fixed target experimental halls. In the North Area, while COMPASS is installing its upgraded detectors for the COMPASS-2 program, NA62 is completing its setup. In the East PS Hall, the DIRAC experiment has been removed and the IRRAD zone is being completely reshuffled. In the AD Hall, the new ALPHA-2 detector and AEGIS are being commissioned; during spring 2014 it is planned to install the new BASE experiment (a measurement of the antiproton magnetic moment aiming at 10-9 precision) which has just been approved at the last Research Board. Two weeks ago, mechanical shovels started excavating the second experimental area for nTOF, and much work is also going on at ISOLDE.
So far, so good ! Everything seems to be on schedule. The same is true for the tremendous consolidation project of the accelerators, which has required to bring not less than 600 additional workers to CERN during 2013.
Let me take this opportunity to recall that safety is essential to bringing this LS1 project to completion and to thank in particular all the PH safety officers for their excellent work.