CERN Accelerating science

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CERN Accelerating science

DT's 2018 annual report

by Burkhard Schmidt (EP-DT)

The EP-DT group has published its Annual Report where key activities throughout 2017 are summarized and a description is given of how the group is organized and interacts with the detector physics community.

The Detector Technologies group participates in the development, construction, operation and maintenance of particle detectors for experiments at CERN. The group is engaged in several detector projects for LHC and non-LHC experiments, operates services open to all CERN users for detector operation, research & development, and is involved in R&D projects on new detector technologies and related infrastructures. Expertise in many different domains crucial for advanced detector-systems is available in the DT group. Among these are fine mechanics, engineering, micro-fabrication, thin film coatings, optics, a silicon facility with a wire-bonding and quality assurance lab, irradiation facilities, magnet support and B-field mapping, instrumentation and controls, gas and cooling systems for particle detectors. DT runs several mechanical workshops with conventional and CNC machines and equipment for specialized machining for scintillators, glass and ceramics.

Agreements for the upgrades of the LHC experiments, established in previous years are now being executed. During 2017 the contributions to the ALICE and LHCb upgrades entered into the production phase. The involvement of the EP-DT group in the phase II upgrades of the ATLAS and CMS trackers, where the engineering and detector prototyping phase is still ongoing, increased in 2017. DT staff plays also important coordination roles in NA62 and CLOUD and has also started during 2017 to  provide support to ISOLDE and the SHiP project. Important contributions at the level of mechanical engineering, DAQ and controls have been made to the Neutrino platform, and the support to the LCD project continued. The group also pursues R&D on detector technologies and detector infrastructure systems for the interest of the overall HEP community.

The 2017 Annual Report can be found HERE.