CERN Accelerating science

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CERN Accelerating science

ALICE experiment

Exit protons, enter ions

by Federico Ronchetti

The 2015 LHC proton run, the first after the long shutdown 1, ended last week with a good performance of the accelerator given the challenges of running at the new collision energy of 13 TeV. 

LHC experiments upgraded trigger plans

by Panos Charitos

As the LHC prepares for higher energies and luminosities all four experiments have upgraded their triggering to record data more efficiently and make sure that their detectors are ready to find evidence for new physics.

ALICE, presented a wealth of scientific results. Equipped with a central barrel with high-resolution tracking systems, several detectors for identifying particles from low to high momentum, electromagnetic calorimeters, and with a muon spectrometer at forward rapidity, the ALICE detector is ideally suited for studies involving hard probes.

During, the 7th edition of the Hard Probes International Conference series was hosted by McGill University in Montréal, Canada, the LHC experiments presented a wealth of scientific results from heavy-ion collsions at the LHC. 

Measurements by the BASE experiment have compared the same properties of protons and antiprotons to high precision while the ALICE collaboration has measured the difference between mass-to-charge ratios for deuterons and antideuterons, as well as for helium-3  and antihelium-3 nuclei.

 We asked the Data Quality Monitoring teams of the four major LHC experiments to present the tools they are using and how the DQM is organized to fit the specifications of each detector.

 LHC experiments have released a portion of its data to the public for use in education and outreach as part of CERN's policy of openness.

Last month, the High Energy and Particle Physics division of the European Physical Society announced the 2015 prizes for outstanding contributions in the field of high energy physics.

Injection tests make a splash

by Paola Catapano

On Saturday 7 March, two of the LHC experiments saw proton beams for the first time after a two-year stop

Radiation Monitors Tested on Orion Space mission

by Panos Charitos

Radiation imaging pixel detector chips used in the LHC experiments paved the way for two new devices to fly on the first test flight of NASA’s Orion spacecraft.
