CERN Accelerating science

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CERN Accelerating science

Small and medium experiments group

Resolving a long-standing question at ISOLDE

by Karl Johnston (CERN)

HIE-ISOLDE results reveal the full extent of the odd-even shape staggering of exotic mercury isotopes and the underlying mechanism. 

The MoEDAL Experiment at the Discovery Frontier

by James Pinfold for the MoEDAL collaboration

LS2 period marks an exciting period of intense activity for MoEDAL, the LHC’s newest experiment.

ALPHA-g sees its first antiparticles: does antimatter fall up or down?

by Niels Masden and Claudio Lenz Cesaron on behalf of ALPHA

The ALPHA collaboration working on antihydrogen at the Antiproton Decelerator (AD) in building 193 has successfully expanded their setup with new devices.

OSQAR experiment sheds light on a hidden sector of CERN’s scientific heritage

by Pierre Pugnat on the behalf of the OSQAR collaboration

Two distinct OSQAR experiments at CERN, OSQAR-LSW and OSQAR-VMB look mostly for ALPS through studies of optical properties of the quantum vacuum permeated by a strong magnetic field

Anti-nuclei in the cosmos and at the LHC

by A, Kalweit (CERN)

The ALICE experiment has recently released several measurements on the production of anti-deuterons and anti-3He that could help to understand AMS data. 

Cloud(y) climate studies at CERN

by Stefan Weber

Continuous improvements to the CLOUD facility as well as to the instruments combined with the state of the art know-how available at CERN have enabled a steady increase in the measurement capabilities. 

In a paper published this week in Nature, the ALPHA collaboration reports the most precise direct measurement of antimatter ever made

AMS looks at Cosmic Galactic Rays

by Panos Charito

Recent results from the Alpha Magnetic Spectrometer (AMS) inaugurate a new era in Cosmic ray (CR) physics driven by high precision.

First positrons for GBAR

by Patrice Perez (IRFU, CEA, Université Paris-Saclay)

GBAR antimatter experiment sees first beam of positrons from a small electron linear accelerator. 

Last week, the new CERN-MEDICIS facility has produced radioisotopes that will be used primarily for hospitals and research centres in Switzerland and across Europe. 
