CERN Accelerating science

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CERN Accelerating science


CERN continuous support to EPLANET

by Jose Salicio Diez

As the recipient of a large fraction of the Latin American grants CERN provides resources to administer and manage the project. 

EPLANET was launched in 2009 and is the continuation of the HELEN program, which was the first organized effort to promote the collaboration between European and Latin American High Energy Physicists. The two programmes fostered the collaboration between the European and Latin American HEP community...

EPLANET - Meet some of the participants

by Panos Charitos

Five Latin - Americal physicists who recently visited CERN as part of the EPLANET programme are sharing their views...

SFT group participation in EPLANET project

by Panos Charitos

In 2012 SFT organised two visits by SFT staff members to Larin-America in order to develop a series of tutorials and give basic training in concurrent programming.