CERN Accelerating science

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CERN Accelerating science

On Saturday, 24 and Sunday, 25 May CERN opens its doors and invites its neighbors in a variety of activities. 

New straw tracker for the NA62 experiment

by Panos Charitos

The PH-DT group recently completed the construction of the straw chambers for the NA62 tracking detector. 

Safety Matters in the PH Department

by Panos Charitos

An interview with Mark Hatch, PH Department's Safety Officer. 

Test Storage Ring at ISOLDE

by Maria Jose Garcia Borge

In a one-day workshop, ISOLDE collaboration discussed the technical studies and possible experiments that could take place in the new Test Storage Ring facility.

LHC experiments look in the future

by Werner Riegler

The LHC experiments have presented their Phase1 upgrade plans for the next Long Shutdown (LS2) that will start in the summer of 2018. 

The LHCb Upgrade

by Andreas Schopper

The upgrade of the LHCb subdetector and trigger system is necessary to increase the statistical precision and reach the level of uncertainty of theoretical predictions. 

The ALICE Upgrade plans

by Werner Riegler

The ALICE collaboration is now seeking to upgrade the detector and enhance its physics capabilities to cope with the new LHC energy and luminosity frontiers.

The QFPP 2014 workshop brought together theorists and experimentalists exploring questions in fundamental physics. 

PH-DT presents its 2013 annual report

by Mar Capeans Garrido

The PH Detector Technology (DT) group presented its key activities throughout 2013 in the recently published annual report. 

A two-day workshop was held at CERN to discuss a new initiative for establishing a collaboration that would foster the further development of scientific software packages for use in HEP experiments worldwide.

Editorial - May 2014

by Livio Mapelli

Dear Colleagues,

For this issue of the PH Newsletter we have focused on the upgrade programmes of the LHC experiments as they are looking more intensively into the future.