CERN Accelerating science

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CERN Accelerating science

Dear Colleagues,

As mentioned in the last newsletter, NA62 has just started to take data for the first time after years of hard work preparing the experiment....

NA62 joins the search for new physics at CERN

by Ferdinand Hahn

After the long-shut down the SPS accelerator restarted in the beginning of October along with the NA62 experiment.

SPS complex delivers first beams

by Henric Wilkens

Henric Wilkens gives an overview of the activities taking place following the restart of the SPS complex.

LHCb is developing a new tracking detector for installation during Long Shutdown 2.

Final tests for the LHCf detector

by Yoshitaka Itow

The LHCf experiment has recently performed a very successful test beam.

CLOUD restarts experiments

by Hamish Gordon

Earlier this September, CLOUD restarted experiments following the end of LS1 for the PS/SPS accelerator complex.

First beams for the new East Area Irradiation Facility

by Federico Ravotti & Maurice Glaser

In October, the new East Area Irradiation Facility received the primary 24 GeV/c proton beam slow-extracted from the PS.

CERN's Theory Division organizes two TH Institutes: the CERN-CKC TH Institute on Numerical Holography and the TH Institute on Understanding the Early Universe.

The second ECFA High Luminosity LHC Experiments Workshop was held in Aix-les-Bains, France, from the 21st to the 23rd of October 2014.

2014 Google Summer of Code students present their projects

by John Apostolakis & Lorenzo Moneta on behalf of the SFT GSoC mentors

The CERN PH/SFT group participated for a fourth year in the Google Suumer of Code

CERN scientists participated in a Wilton Park meeting on  "The Big Bang and the interfaces of knowledge: towards a common understanding of Truth? ", held in Divonne on 23-25 June. The report is now available online.

The 8th edition of the CERN – Latin-American School of High-Energy Physics will take place at Ibarra, Ecuador, from 4 to 17 March 2015.