This year is going to be an important one for CERN, with the excitement of the restart of the LHC after its long shutdown, and a change of management at the end of the year.
An interview with CERN's General Director of Research and Scientific Computing about past and present challenges in the light of the recent findings and the upcoming run of the LHC.
In the PH Plenary Meeting that took place on 22 January Livio Mapelli, Head of the PH Department, presented the activities of the PH in 2014 and the Medium-Term Plan for 2015-2019 was set out...
The upcoming book 60 Years of CERN Experiments and Discoveries, edited by Herwig Schopper and Luigi Di Lella traces CERN's exciting journey from its creation in the 1950s to the discovery of the Higgs particle in 2012.
The understanding of the neutrino sector is a worldwide priority, promising physics beyond the Standard Model in a unified theoretical framework that goes from the electroweak scale to the highest energy scales.
Radiation imaging pixel detector chips used in the LHC experiments paved the way for two new devices to fly on the first test flight of NASA’s Orion spacecraft.
The European Research Council (ERC) has awarded starting grants to Magdalena Kowalska, a member of the ISOLDE physics team, and Claude Duhr, CERN Theory Division. The funding will enable them to build their own research teams at CERN, engaging postdocs and PhD students.
Professor Dimopoulos is searching for answers to some of the most profound mysteries of nature. In this interview we discuss the recent findings of the LHC and his expectations about future HEP experiments, the quest for "truth" that seems to inform our scientific endeavours, as well as the relation between science and art. I would like to personally thank Prof. Dimopoulos for kindly accepting my request for an interview. I hope that you will enjoy reading Prof. Dimopoulos’ interesting - and often intriguing - thoughts.
A new web-based volunteer computing platform was launched in the framework of CERN’s 60th anniversary, allowing volunteers to simulate events from the experiments