CERN Accelerating science

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CERN Accelerating science

LHCb experiment

VeloPix, a new hybrid pixel readout ASIC for the LHCb upgrade

by Paula Collins, Jan Buytaert

Designing a new readout ASIC called VeloPix, for the LHCb experiment. 

Heavy-ion collisions at Quark Matter 2018

by Panagiotis Charitos

CERN experiments present results from the study of lead-lead collisions at Quark Matter 2018.

New season starts for the LHC experiments

by Panos Charitos

Last April, the detectors of the Large Hadron Collider (LHC) witnessed their first collisions of 2017 with the machine reaching an outstanding performance. 

The LHCb-VELO group, which is composed of several institutes from the UK, Spain, Netherlands, Russia, Brazil and CERN are constructing an upgraded version of the VErtex LOcator (VELO) to be installed and commissioned during the long shutdown LS2 in 2019/2020.

The exploitation of the LHC data is continuing successfully, with a wealth of new results presented at the Moriond 2018 conference,

Searching for leptoquarks at the LHC

by Panos Charitos

A recent “Cross Collider” meeting at CERN showed that the physics of leptoquarks remains a rapidly evolving field on both experimental and theoretical fronts.

Last month, the LHCb experiment recorded simultaneously data from proton-proton collisions at 5 TeV for its heavy-ion programme and a parallel stream of data from fixed-target collisions.

LHCb prepares for the major upgrade in LS2

by Rolf Lindner and Eric Thomas

After a very successful year, LHCb goes now into the Years-End-Technical-Stop YETS.

LHCb collaboration meets to discuss recent results and future prospects

by Monica Pepe-Altarelli (LHCb collaboration)

A record number of over three hundred physicists from the LHCb collaboration got together for the 7th edition of the workshop on the “Implications of LHCb measurements and future prospects”. 

Scintillation light at the end of the tunnel

by Lukas Gruber (EP-LBD)

More than 10’000 km of scintillating plastic fibres are developed and tested for the upgrade of the LHCb tracker detector.   
