CERN Accelerating science

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CERN Accelerating science

ATLAS experiment

Exploring the Lifetime Frontier at the LHC and Beyond

by James Beacham (ATLAS Experiment, CERN)

As searches for long-lived particles attract more attention, different exprimental approaches and novel theoretical ideas emerge to guide future searches at the LHC and beyond.


RECAST: A framework for reinterpreting physics searches at the LHC

by Lukas Heinrich (ATLAS, CERN)

The ATLAS collaboration recently published their first paper using RECAST; a novel framework for data and analysis preservation that enable future re-interpretation of collected data and broadening experimental searches for new physics. 

Scientific data management with Rucio

by Martin Barisits (CERN), Mario Lassnig (CERN)

Presenting an open-source data management system for organizing, monitoring and accessing large volumes of distributed data. 


ATLAS and CMS collaborations presented over summer their latest results from Higgs boson decays to second generation fermions with LHC's Run 2 data.

ATLAS NSW Upgrade: preparing installation and commission of its first sector

by Panos Charitos (CERN), Members of the ATLAS NSW upgrade team

A report about the New Small Wheel (NSW) Upgrade, one of the most complex and challenging Phase-1 Upgrade project of the ATLAS detector.

The Higgs boson as a probe for new physics

by Toyoko Orimoto (Northeastern University)

Persistent tensions in the Standard Model of particle physics compel us to seek out new physics at the TeV scale, and the Higgs boson provides us with a potential portal.

ATLAS trigger system meets the challenges of Run 2

by Stefania Xella (University of Copenhagen), Jiri Masik (University of Manchester) for the ATLAS collaboration

The ATLAS trigger system allowed the efficient and stable collection of a rich data sample from the previous runs of the LHC.

The ForwArd Search ExpeRiment (FASER) will search for particles that might be produced parallel to the LHC’s beam line and may travel hundreds of metres without interacting before transforming into known and detectable particles, such as electrons and positrons.

A New Small Wheel for ATLAS is taking shape

by Aimilios Koulouris (ATLAS, NTUA), Panos Charitos (CERN)

To fully exploit the HL-LHC luminosities, the innermost stations, the so called Small Wheels (SW), of the ATLAS Muon Spectrometer need to be replaced by New Small Wheels (NSW); an upgrade scheduled for LS2. 

The LS2 period for the ATLAS detector

by Ludovico Pontecorvo (ATLAS experiment, CERN)

During the two year accelerator shutdown (LS2) the ATLAS detector will undergo a period of upgrades and maintenance.
