CERN Accelerating science

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CERN Accelerating science

October 2013 issue

An interview with Steve Myers, Head of CERN's office for medical activities. The new office will bring all the diverse medical physics activities at CERN together under a single roof, ensuring that our efforts are optimised.

4 pillars of wisdom: CERN technologies find medical applications

by Manuela Cirilli, Manjit Dosanjh and Sparsh Navin

Novel technologies, originally developed for HEP experiments, are now finding application in medical physics. Manuela Cirilli, Manjit Dosanjh and Sparsh Navin from the KT group offer an overview of CERN's involvement in medical activities. 

ICTR-PHE 2014 will bring together leading international experts as well as young researchers in the context of both diagnosis and treatment.

Axial PET: Applying novel ideas in PET geometry

by Christian Joram

Axial PET is a novel geometrical concept for Positron Emission Tomography (PET), based on layers of long scintillating crystals axially aligned with the bore axis. Christian Joram discusses how new technologies, originally developed for HEP experiments, migrated into prototype AX-PET devices.

Development in medical imaging has been one of the most important activities in the course of the last years in the PH department.

Medipix hybrid pixel detectors produce images with high resolution, high contrast and almost no noise, making them excellent for use in medical imaging and a broad range of applications involving radiation detection. 

The CERN-MEDICIS project

by Panos Charitos

The new CERN-MEDICIS (Medical Isotopes Collected from ISOLDE) project will produce a large variety of radioactive isotopes for medical research, using the expertise and infrastructure of ISOLDE.

Geant4: A powerful tool for Medical Applications

by Panos Charitos

Geant4, a powerful simulation toolkit developed for High Energy Physics studies, today finds many applications in medical physics.

An interview with the famous Argentinian theoretical physicist about string theory, black holes and the links to modern cosmology.

HEFT2013 Workshop

The HEFT2013 workshop gathered experts to discuss the current state of the art in Effective Field Theory approaches to the Higgs sector.

The Second International Conference on New Frontiers in Physics, ICNFP 2013 was held in Kolymbari, Crete from 28 August to 5 September. 

New light from CLOUD on climate change

by Pauline Gagnon

In a paper published this month in Nature, the CLOUD experiment reports a major advance towards solving a long-standing enigma in climate science: how do aerosols form in the atmosphere, and which gases are responsible? 

This summer, PH/SFT group took part in the Google Summer of Code programme for the third year in succession. Open to students from all over the world, this programme leads to very successful collaborations for open source software projects.

On the last weekend of September, more than 70,000 people visited over 40 sites on the surface across CERN.

A new iOS Application that brings CERN news and information on your iPad or iPhone has been developed following a joint effort between the SFT and EDU groups.

The composition of the committee of the Summer Student's Lecture Programme committee has been modified: new members are:  Emmanuelle Perez (CMS) who becomes also the chairman of the committee, Richard Hawkings (ATLAS) and  Andreas Weiler (TH). They will join Peter Skands (TH), Roger Bailey (Accelerators), Markus Schulz  (IT) and  Raymond Veness (Engineering)  who were already members in the past years.

New nomination

Sophie Baron has replaced Tiziano Camporesi as the PH representative for Applied Fellows and Technical Associates.

CERN’s Photo Club, worked closely with the organizing team of the CERN Open Days, to organize a photo competition with “CERN Open Days 2013” as the main theme. The competition lasted from  28 of September to 11 of October and the winners were announced earlier last week.

Editorial - October 2013

by Philippe Bloch

Dear Colleagues,

The award of the Nobel Prize in Physics to F.Englert and P.Higgs “for the theoretical discovery of a mechanism that contributes to our understanding of the origin of mass of subatomic particles, and which recently was confirmed through the discovery of the predicted fundamental particle, by the ATLAS and CMS experiments at CERN's Large Hadron Collider" has been fantastic news...